last dae of class was great! hmm.. will upload e pic i took wit my gals.. didn’t realli celebrate wit boy but hope he app wat i have done.. watched my 1st movie wit him money no enough 2.. i recommend those haven watch one go n watch.. i can say e show is not bad super funni.. ppl now in HK enjoyin while i do my bloggin hor..
olympics was super super great! i realli enjoy it.. finalli, Singapore has won a silver medal 4 table tennis.. so happi! now i change my luv from li jia wei 2 feng tian wei.. she’s great! went 2 work on e weekend.. i can say its realli fun as i dun feel bore at all! thanks 2 those tat make it a gd weekend i had..
2dae was suppose 2 be a borin dae.. but wit my fav gal yan lin i realli had a gd dae.. i went 2 her house.. 1st time sia.. lols.. thanks her 4 doin so much things.. hmm.. we make food n fruit salad 2gether.. but i tink ¾ of it is she do one.. e sausage prata she make 4 mi oso veri veri nice.. 4get 2 take tat pic now in my stomach le.. so nice! her marmi oso quite gd one.. can c tat she veri friendly.. i have change my eye candy phone from sony ericsson k850i 2 LG viewty den 2 sony ericsson G900 now.. haiyo.. i veri ma fan leh.. went shoppin alone after i left yan lin's house 2 parkway! c i'm so independent now le.. i jus realise e things i wan jus go down e list.. there's soooo much things i'm gonna get it soon!
finalli, mi n fion baobei..