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complicated-ting @blogspot.com ♥
Tuesday, October 06, 2009

I'm back here to blog about a story of my 9 years friendship friend~

Chat with this friend of mine few days ago, she sounds like she know who is right and who is wrong? I can't describe the trust I have for this friend. I believe that she have her own thinking.

Nevertheless; on this fine day during lunch, she told me that she was not going to eat because she want to get some rest as she is tire. So I decide to rest with her as I don't want to eat too! Never did I realise, she actually went out with a 3 months friend to lunch with another 6 months friend. So after all, I was cheated by this friend of mine. I really feel so sad, because I will never do it to her if I was in her shoe. Even when my other friend talks bad about her, I will always help her and stand strong with my stand.

To think of what my friend say, why you still side your friend when she have do something so bad to you? I will say because she is my 9 years of friend.

Till today I did an evil thing to get the answer I want. I want to know is everything a misunderstanding or what. Because I can't believe my 9 years friend will gang up with the rest to talk about me. Words can't be believe or trust. What every one of us believes is fact. I found my fact and realise I’m a friend who she don't want to tell me much. I then realise all this while during the 9 years she wasn't happy spending her time with me.

I tear right in front when I saw all the fact that was from her bottom of her heart. Even blogging till now I can't stop my tears from flowing. I didn't know I was such a bad friend of her. Movie was her favourite but she doesn’t have the time to watch. I even told my other friend I don't want watch movie with you all because I want to wait till my friend is free then I watch with her. But after knowing the fact that she actually feel that this was not the way.

Found lots of fact that the both of us are actually not trust by another party. But now what this friend of mine knows is the words from her friend mouth. I don't hate her although she has done so much things which make mi tear like hell. Now I shall not do anything and wait till she finally knows what is happening. She no longer believe what I say but one fine day I will definitely show her the prove and let her find out that all along she was the one who are getting cheat by her friend.

I want to let all my readers know everything that you think it might not happen, might happen. Don't be shock when you get this situation. To me I find that this is a very childish matter but I still want to post because I feel very sad when your friend treat you like that.

Dear friend: It’s time for you to find fact and not believing words from other people mouth.
I guess after knowing the truth, she might be the one thinking why she is so stupid?
Monday, July 06, 2009

I have no idea what to blog about, life is getting from bad to worse. Working 7 days in a week is getting too bore! I’m really tire, I want countless shopping and outing! How I wish I have the time to dress up! Something is lacking~ I don’t feel happy at all! No matter where am I, I just hate the fact that I have to work. I’m being very bitchy nowadays; I tend to quarrel with so many people. Can’t this people just leave me alone? I feel so tire having to hate all of you too! This is so childish, am I the one who are being childish or the opposite? I don’t know how I am going to survive if one day Sirvin were to leave me in StarHub. I hate to be alone and I hate to be control by people!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I'm in the office now, sitting infront of the computer blogging this entry as i don't know what to do? I'm super worry about my friend Priscilla!
Saturday, May 16, 2009



Where and how have I been?

Hello people! I wonder how many people still come and visit my blog? If you are one, I really appreciate. Tag me so that i know. I’m still here surviving and I guess this is the first time I have not been updating for such a long time.

Reasons being I’m too busy! After my last post complaining bore, I have become busier as each day goes by. Had lots of outing with my 2 sec girlfriends. Sirvin and Priscilla! I haven’t been updating so if you want to know more can go and peep at their blog. Swimming, shopping, eating and slacking at pris house …

Not long after this type of lifestyle, there was a great sale at OG! I began to work every day at OG till I found my current job. 23rd of March was the first day of work at STARHUB! I’m working there as an admin assistant (AA) at Haw Par Centre (DB GHAUT). It’s a 6 months contract as it’s a temp position. 5 working days per week and weekends I’m still working at OG. So I don’t have any off day now or rather is 2 weeks one day I will be off. But I don’t really feel tire just that I’m a bit busy. Let me talk more about this job at StarHub. It’s really those jobs which got lots n lots of sai kang to do one. But don’t think it’s easy, do wrongly then you will hear people coming and call you who is tan ting ting ar? Wtf~ I hate that! But it’s getting better as time goes by. Currently, there are 9 people working in our department. So you know la, working for such a period of time there’s of course those likes and dislike of colleagues. But one good thing is our ages are all very close. The first person that caught my attention while working is the girl calls Sabrina Tan! She’s damn cool la but she had left the working place already. Something to add-on I’m actually working with this joker name LIAN BISHI SIRVIN (aiai)! I’m super lucky or rather sway to have her by my side. Whatever it is, I have never ever thought that I will once again be so close with my sec friends again! Really very very very happy to have this joker! MUACKZ~

So beside works, don’t think it’s just going home and sleep every day. I still continue to go out with my girls when I’m free. Shopping, eating, bowling, pool and cycling! Sad to say that all this things can only be done after I knock off from work at 6.30pm. Next Mon will be going to my favorite place kbox! I’m craving for it for such a long time. Looking forward to pris birthday chalet! Besides going out with my girls, I still remember meeting peiyu that group of people 2 times too. Steamboat, marina barrage and dinner before they are enlisted.

On the 8th of April, it was my graduation ceremony. Hmm, after some arguing with my parents. They finally agree to accompany me there. It was a super boring ceremony which I hope I wasn’t there at all!

Let me list down some things I have brought recently. Finally I have gotten my first most expensive bag which is COACH. Thanks pris lots lots. The bag really costs a bomb but ya I’m saving now to get the LV bag. Also my first most expensive jeans which is LEE. Brought a new HP too. Samsung F-480 Pink! Working in StarHub and now I have become a StarHub user. No longer using Singtel! I’m really happy to get myself lots of accessories, a pair of sandals, 1 skirt, 3 shorts, 3 tops and 1 dress! I have more to buy.

At this point of time, I have step into a working environment and I’m totally making a mess in my life! I don’t know what is good and bad for me. It’s just working everyday and I don’t know what I want! I’m not happy at all. I have friends and dad encouraging me to continue study. As for my mum, I think she’s very contradicting too. Sometime wants and sometime not. But for me, I really don’t like to study. Hai.

Ever since I start working, I have neglected my friends and family a lot! I really want to apologies to everyone especially; eileen chua, yan lin and peiyu! I’m really sorry that I don’t have much time for you all and I hope you girls are doing well. Hope to catch up with you girls soon. I still read you girls de blog to find out more one lo.

To Priscilla: girl you are someone who I enjoy mixing around with. Just wanna let you know, we have never blame you for neglecting your friends because of him. Every girl wants to spend their time with their loves one. Don’t be so EMO ya. I really can understand how you feel.

Picture to be uploaded when I’m free.

Lastly, I want to wish the people below a happy belated birthday:
- Win (Hope you enjoy)
- Pauline
- Jian Hai (I was there)
- Hui Ting
- Winnie
- Christina
- Jaclyn
Wanna let all of you know I didn’t forget just busy to come and update only.
Friday, February 27, 2009



I’m going to post a long entry and please if you are not interested to read you can always click on the x button located at the top right hand corner.

Don’t know where I should start to blog.

Have been super super super super super BORE! What I did on every weekday was wake up, eat, online, bath, watch tv and sleep. Weekend work. This routine has been on for quite some time. Getting very sick and tire already. Every day waiting for my handphone to ring see got people ask me out a not. But sad to say it’s a NO! I guess I’m not the only person having this routine. Many people are having it as well.

Was having my daily routine and today something unusual happen. I’m not sure should I say it here but ya I don’t give a damn!

This person came to talk to me.

This was my name and pm in msn.

Suddenly a window pop up and say: YES U R VERY FAT ACTUALLY from that person.
I was like wtf I have never msn with this person before. Was it someone making fun of him?
I replied: crazy?
He replied: haiz, sian
Aren’t that crazy? A hardworking boy has turn into ??? Anyway his someone from my class.

Someone makes me angry. Someone go and tell someone friend that one day I must buy flowers go down ting ting’s house liao. Isn’t that touch? I told the someone I don’t want flowers and I only want you! Someone say very sweet leh. Still ask me don’t go and work because someone wants to yang wo. I ask the someone marry me la. Someone say cannot because my dad don’t allow.
Thanks to that someone and I know you were trying to make me feel happy! Sorry for being unreasonable to you too!
Someone = Eileen (Bestie partner)

Kbox-ing with Peiyu, Alvin and Desmond!
Sorry people for reaching so late! Met them at 7pm cini kbox. Sing all the way till 12am and I left the place. Reach home at 1am. My sweet daddy ma jiam like my part-time bf. He waited for me at the bus stop to walk me home. The rest of them sings till 3am. Not fair not fair! Very sad lo. The three of them all stay west side. I’m the only one who stays east side. Next time call east side people so that I can cab home with them ma.

S.H.E autograph session!
Met up with Sirvin aiai and Mei Chen on that day. The event starts at 2pm Eastpoint mall. But crazy us start queuing up as early as 6.30am. Hahas. aiai thanks for the CNY card too! long time ever since i receive from anyone.

Sakae sushi!
I know I’m noob because it’s the first time I had. Met up with Joanne darling and Juan Ling. It has been more than one year since I last met them. Of course I see some changes in them.

Fish and co!
Again, first time trying it. Met up with Peiyu and Hui Xian. Eat and shop was what we did. I brought myself a skirt, dress, scarf and bf shirt. On the way home I took bus alone. The bus was damn pack and there was this idiot uncle squeeze me like nobody business. He ma jiam treat me as his bed. He laid his whole body on me. Thanks loh. I scolded fuck la! But he didn’t hear. Only the person in front of me heard.

I want branded bags!
I’m eyeing on a lot of different bags. But currently I need a job to fulfill my wish. I want LV, GUCCI, BURBERRY, LONG CHAMP and COACH bag! Suddenly I have the urged to get all of them but I have no money.

Prom night!
Today was the prom night day. I wanted to go badly but ya it's over. Can someone update me about this prom night thingy? Those people got photo can send me I want to kpo. I bet I will see a lot of pretty girls and handsome boys!

Peiyu has gone for chalet!
I’m sitting down staring at my laptop for the whole day where this girl of mine went chalet with her hub hub. Feel happy for you. Honeymoon again. So envy! Have fun and enjoy!
At this moment of time, I hate myself for still being like that! I tried to be happy in front of everyone especially my family when I’m not happy at all! Memory flashes back again!
Where’s my bai ma wang zi? Take me away from this place to another island to live happily ever after! My honeymoon~

The four girls that went to the chalet..

Me and Hui Xian..

Me and Peiyu..

Me, Juan Ling and Darlin..

Me and Pei Jun..
Gathering for S.H.E^
Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Friday, February 06, 2009

Seriously hurt 我连呼吸都痛!

I’m back from my 3d2n chalet. I would like to say sorry to everyone as I guess I have causes some inconvenience there. Initially I have decided not to go for the chalet but I want to get an answer in the chalet itself as well as promising i will turn up. I thought chalet could bring us closer due to our problem of time but i'm wrong! It's just an excuse! Moreover, mum being very nice allowing me to go for the chalet for all days as she wants me to have fun since school is over. I guess she did miss me a lot!

Back to my single life now, the first time in my whole life which a guy can make mi falls for him so much. Nevertheless, reading through all the sms, msn, recalling all the dates and things you have said before just makes me feel so hurt. I can see that you are doing things now to make me hate you! I want to remove away the phrase call ‘you think too much’ from my own dictionary. Till now then I realize all along I’m not thinking too much and this is the phrase that makes me reflect is it that I’m thinking too much.

I felt so silly for trusting and believing you so much. Why is it that at the earlier stage when problem start to happen I have never ever thought of the reason for breaking you gave me? I can’t stop myself from thinking back of the times when the both of us love each other so much. What can I do apart from crying? I really hate myself for being like that. I think mum hurts too when she see me crying so badly. After all, I have told her everything.

Why is it that you make me falls so deeply in love with you when you no longer love me already? Is this called revenge? I think it’s a lesson for me and an experience. People you won’t believe all this things until one fine day you really experience on it. Why is it I love you to the extent till I can change myself for the sake of you?

As for now, I can do nothing and time is the best medicine for me. Crying was what I can do. I’m really very tire but I just couldn’t get to sleep. Before chalet that night I didn’t manage to sleep enough as I was thinking what am I suppose to do in the chalet about us and e 3d2n chalet I didn’t sleep at all. I’m back now but still couldn’t sleep. Nobody was at home.

Crying doesn’t heal me but drinking and smoking does. Thanks!

Special thanks and sorry to this people: Peiyu, Yan Lin, Michelle and Hui Xian. They are the one that are by my side and things they said makes me reflect and I think what they said is absolutely true!

Somehow regret myself from ignoring and not believing what win has said. Anyway, thanks to him and Damien too.

Lastly, I’m sorry for not listening to the advice you people gave me.